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Similarly to Brandon Stanton's

Career in Photography

YOU WILL BE documenting Humans of BVH here on campus. You are responsible for ONE individual

PER WEEK for the rest of the school year.


Must be aware and willing to have photo and their story shared with the world.
Name is always withheld (unless willing to share)
Identity can also be secured if you just photograph your subject without their face (i.e. hands, ...)

1. Portrait Photo
 Capture a variety of shots: Full body, close-ups etc. 
Can be BVH student, friend, family, Teacher

2. Text/Quote
Have your "person" to share a universal truth or convey a message  

Sample Questions
What is the moment that challenged you the most?  (traveling, winning a tournament, the birth a  loved one, death of a loved one, , moving,...)
 What is your biggest challenge this school year?
 What are your goals after high school?
 Describe your fashion style.

No Response? Help them Brainstorm

Who they are, what makes them them, who has influence them in their life the most, who is their hero and why, if they could talk to ANYONE who would it be and why, have them tell you something interesting about themselves etc.


Use Brandons Site to GUIDE you.

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